Goal setting is fundamental to moving forward.
According to the University of Scranton, 92% of people don’t meet their goals
The slide reel is going to tell you what life is like
- Time regiment (shocker I know) Kolby
- Get your time in check
- Are you willing to commit?
- Weekly time towards your goals
- Write it down (Shaun)
- Goals in your head are not real. They are abstractions, something you can only describe through speech. Writing them down makes them real.
- The slide reel will help with this.
- Set goals that are specific, challenging, and achievable (Kolby)
- In the office world these would be SMART goals.
- Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAG) – break these down
- Get rid of the vagueness
- Be realistic (screw work-life balance) (Shaun)
- As I’ve said, the goal of I want to triple my salary while working 40 hours in five years is probably unrealistic.
- Rephrase it to something more realistic and consider the bucket levels as you do
- Be passionate and committed about your goals (Kolby)
- They have to be meaningful. To you specifically
- Know your why
- If you don’t care about it then stop doing it immediately
- Focus (Shaun)
- That’s why we separated things into 6 buckets. This provides to focus on your one goal, achieving that life harmony
- Feedback cycle (Kolby)
- Check to see if you are on track. If not adjust. Don’t set a year-long goal and not check in all year.
- Coaches, mentors, friends
- Self Evaluation
- Living in the moment (Shaun)
- Don’t forget to be in the moment
- Goals are great but they will destroy you that’s all your thinking about
Kolby’s Kall To Action
- Feedback Cycle – do one this week