Why are we here (Shaun)
Meditation Styles. We’re here to talk about all aspects of your life. Mental health is one of these areas.
Benefits of Meditation (Kolby)
- Reduces stress/anxiety
- Fosters clear thinking
- Lowers blood pressure
- Increases immune function
- Increases happiness and lowers depression
- Boost self-control
- Improved focus and attention
Source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/feeling-it/201309/20-scientific-reasons-start-meditating-today
How we do it (Kolby and Shaun)
- Mindfulness (Kolby)
- Conjuring mindfulness is essential in overcoming suffering and understanding natural wisdom. It is all about acknowledging reality by letting the mind wander, accepting any thoughts that come up, and understanding the present.
- The practice is done by sitting with eyes closed, crossed legs, the back straight, and attention placed on breathing in and out. For the period of meditation the individual focuses on his or her breathing, and when wandering thoughts emerge, one returns to focusing on the object of meditation, breathing. Research has found that a regimen of mindfulness can reduce anxiety, depression, and perceived distress.
- Can be guided or unguided
- Powerful to start my morning with it.
- Can help you figure out why you’re feeling this way.
- Is this you or the way this person is?
- Transcendental (Shaun)
- “The goal of Transcendental Meditation is the state of enlightenment. This means we experience that inner calmness, that quiet state of least excitation, even when we are dynamically busy.”
- Can Be Guided or Unguided
- Rather than the mindfulness goal of trying to silence your mind to focus on something else, Transcendental goal is to focus on nothing
- The eyes and ears don’t work by effort. You don’t have to look to hard at something to see it, it just comes to you.
- Think about the concept of the fish and the lake.
- People who always talk, never listen. This can apply to the inner monologue you have in your head.
- Talking to your self is the first sign of madness.
- If you want to hear yourself thinking you need to stop thinking
- Alan Watts – Thinking is of no importance to us unless we can practice non thinking
Source: https://visualmeditation.co/7-types-of-meditation/
Kolby’s Kall-To-Action:
Take a moment today and spend even just two minutes and focus on your breathing. Check out these tools and resources and give meditation a try for a week and see if you feel any of the benefits we’ve talked about.
- Calm
- Headspace
- Insight Timer
- Simple Habit
YouTube Channels:
Mindfulness Techniques: Kernal of Wisdom
Transcendental Techniques: Mingyur Rinpoche